Yesterday while going home from Sunway Pyramid with my sisters we thought of going for some drinks b4 we head home. Just as we were thinking what should we have, we sudd.enly saw a big crowd at Pelita SS15. Being the extreme 8 typical Malaysians we decided to have a closer look. We saw fire~~smoke~~police cars~~ and also the firemen~~~We were thinking "OMG!! Pelita's on fire"..we saw fire like those tai chou type..with lots of smoke..Too bad we can't go any nearer as the police were diverting the traffic elsewhere...At a closer view, actually not big fire le..small fire...but don''t know the cause of fire or where it's coming looks like it's coming from down under (probably from the drain). Anywaiy, no injuries le else my sis would have to jump off the car and start showing off her doctor professionalism..HAHA
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
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